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    The 10 Step Process

    I understand that not everyone’s financial situation is the same and you may not have the funds to see a private doctor.  The cost of private Lyme treatment can really add up but I highly recommend seeing a professional Lyme doctor rather than going it alone.  If you do decide to go it alone, I have created a 10 step process that will help you achieve better health.  This process has been created after hours and hours of research and achieving remission myself.  Although this process is principally for Lyme patients it’s also for patients with other autoimmune conditions.  If you want to follow this guide and you don’t have Lyme you just have to miss out step 7, kill the infections.  Otherwise every other step is applicable to anyone with an autoimmune condition. If you are healthy and want to make sure you remain so you will benefit by reading through the steps and selecting the parts that are beneficial to you.  I would also say to be careful of over supplementing, there are recommendations for many supplements in the 10 step process and you need to select which ones are right for you. If you start taking lots of supplements at the same time you could make yourself very sick. Any new supplement should be implemented slowly, leave a few days between introducing a new supplement to gauge any adverse reactions.  You are responsible for your health and your body so you should take due care and be sensible if deciding to self-treat.